Following is the list of candidates for the upcoming elections on Wednesday, December 18th at the Union Hall, 312 Central Ave SE, room 577, in addition to the elected Officers and Committee members being in Office the next three years, the Grievance and Negotiating Committee will be negotiating on our next contract, polls will be open from 700 AM to 700 PM
BUSINESS MANAGER: Rob Bassat (unopposed)
PRESIDENT: Josh Cleveland, Justin Ancel
VICE PRESDIENT: Mike Sicard, John Gallagher
RECORDING SECRETARY: Jim Higgins (unopposed)
FINANCIAL SECRETARY: Vern Levine (unopposed)
TREASURER: Ryan Flueger , Chris Larsen
GUARD: Jamison James (unopposed)
GRIEVANCE AND NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE: Cullen Arbogast, Pete Johnson, Mike Sicard, Pete Otterness, Brett Hooton, Chris Larsen, Justin Ancel, John Gallagher, Jerod Beachem
EXECUTIVE BOARD: Jerod Beachem, Chris Lovely, Tom Schreiber, Sam Mohler
FINANCE COMMITTEE: Aaron Stevenson, Derek Huberty